Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Use of sumifs

Sumifs This foumula is a conditional formula. Like when we have some condition and we have to find out the sum with some condition. So then we will use this function.
Through the formula of sumifs we can find the sum with the condition.

For Example we have 5 Sales men and we want to find that how much product sale by each sales men. So we can easliy find.

Syntex__ =sumifs(sum range,criteria_range1, criteria1, creiteria_range2,cretria2)

Sum_range          =  Select the sum range
Creteria_range1  = is select the range First column 
Criteria 1             = Slect the name which you find
Cretria_range2    = Select the range Second column
Cretria2               =Select the product you want to find

When you will change the salesmen name (where you apply the formula) it will show you the total sale of that particular salesmen.

Monday, 13 March 2017

How to use vlook up

VLOOKUP foumula, as the formula name show its use. This formula is use when we have data in bulk and we have to find one person detail.

SYNTEX: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])

Lookup_value    = Select the cell which you find
Table_array        = Select the whole table
Col_index_num = Column number is the table have the numer of column
range_lookup     =  0 (zero is true value)

Here is an Example of vloolup

Here is the link`

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Forcast Formula

Forcast formula is used to predict anything in excel.
 For example- We sale somthing and we have the detail of sale for the month of jan, feb, March, April and now we want to know that what will be the sale in December month. So then we use forcast formula. You Can't totally Dependent  that result which is given by the formula but It will give you the approx value.
So here is an Example.

SYNTEX- (X,Known_y's, known x_'s)

X               =is month you want to know the sale like october
known_y's= known result (the Sale )
known_x's= known Result( month)

Saturday, 4 March 2017


Basically PMT formula is use to calucalt the amount of loan.We will try to uderstand the formula throgh the Example. 

Suppose we have taken loan form the bank and we have to find out the EMI Amount. 


 rate  = rate is The percent which is fix by the bank on the loan
 nper = nper is the time which is in month like 5 years(60 months)

 pv    = pv is present value (we can say the loan which is taken by us)

The value will show in minus because we are paying the money.

calculation of professional tax

Normally professional tax in not applicable all over the country but there are some state where the government take professional tax  Kar...