Saturday, 23 December 2017

calculation of professional tax

Normally professional tax in not applicable all over the country but there are some state where the government take professional tax 

West Bengal,
Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh

 Professional tax caluclted on two basis  1. Professional Tax on Total Salary.

2. Professional Tax on Basis Salary.

So Here is the Exanple

Formula:                                                                                                                                 =IF((E7>=$A$2)*(E7<=$B$2),$C$2,IF((E7>=$A$3)*(E7<=$B$3),$C$3,IF((E7>=$A$4)*(E7<=$B$4),$C$4,IF((E7>=$A$5)*(E7<=$B$5),$C$5,IF((E7>=$A$6)*(E7<=$B$6),$C$6))))) 

($ it is the sign that fix the cell, select the cell and press F4 or Fn+F4)

2. Calculation of professional Tax according to the basis salary

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Golden rule of account


Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive way recording of financial transactions related to a business, and it also refers to the process of summarizing, analyzing and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies and tax collection entities. Accounting is one of the key functions for almost any business; it may be handled by a bookkeeper and accountant at small firms or by sizable finance departments with dozens of employees at large companies

Personal Account:- As the name show "personal account" it means account for an individual person or the firm. it can be a person Eg. Ram, Shyam, joy Etc or the firm or a company it will count in personal account.

Real Account:- A real account is a general ledger account that does not close at the end of the accounting year. The balance of real account carry forward to next yeat.
real accountsa are balance sheet item like- asset accounts (cash, account receivable, buildings, etc.), liability accounts (notes payable, account payable, wages payable, etc.), and stockholder equity account etc.

Nominal Acccount:- Nominal accounts are directly related to Excpens and income of the firm Expense can be direct and indirect both.

Monetary traction of Business is to be recorded in the book of account of account by the method of Double accounting system.

                                                Accounting ledger

Personal account
Real account
Nominal account
2. Firm
3. Company Etc
1. Cash
2. Building
3. Furniture
4. Machinery etc
1. Expenses & losses
2. Income and gain

                                                                  GOLDEN RULE    



1.       Debit the receiver
2.       Credit the Giver
1.       Debit what comes in
2.       Credit what goes out
3.       Debit All expense
4.       Credit all income & gain


shortcut keys

                                               SHORTCUT  KEYS OF TALLY                                 

Shortcut Keys are helpfull to work fast. These keys are always helpfull. it save the time and boost the speed  of work.

1.         F1                           To select a Company

2.         Alt+ F1                  To select the inventory
                                       ( To view the detailed of entries)

3.         Ctrl+F1                  To see payroll Voucher

4.         F2                           To change the current date

5.         F3                           To select company

6.         F4                           To select the contra Voucher
                                    (For Cash to Bank or Bank to cash entry)
7.         F5                           To select the payment voucher

8.         F6                           To Select the receipt voucher

9.         F7                           To select the journal voucher     

10.      F8                           To select the sales voucher

11.      Ctrl+F8                  To Select the credit note

12.      F9                           To select the purchase voucher

13.      Ctrl+F9                  To select the debit note

14.      F10                         To select the reversing Journal Voucher

15.      Ctrl + F10             To select the memorandum  voucher

16.      F11                         To select the function and features screen

17.      F12                         To select the Configure Screen

Convert negative value in postive

                                  Convert Negative Value in Positive

Replace all Negative value in positive. Here is the table

1. Select the whole negative row

2. Press Ctrl+F

3. Click on Replace All.

Click on Ok 

Now all the negative values are changed into Positive.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Excel introduction

Excel was Developed by Microsoft and first released on September 30, 1985, Excel is capable of creating and editing spreadsheets that are saved with a .xls or .xlsx file extension. General uses of Excel include cell-based calculation, pivot tables, and various graphing tools. For instance, with an Excel spreadsheet, you could create a monthly budget, track business expenses, or sort and organize large amounts of data.
                Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used to record and analyse numerical data.We all deal with numbers in one way or the other. We all have daily expenses which we pay for from the monthly income that we earn. For one to spend wisely, they will need to know their income vs. expenditure. Microsoft Excel comes in handy when we want to record, analyze and store such numeric data.
   How to start excel                       
  • Click on start menu
  • Point to all programs
  • Point to Microsoft Excel
  • Click on Microsoft Excel
Alternatively, you can also open it from the start menu if it has been added there. You can also open it from the desktop shortcut if you have created one.


                                       Randbetween Function

To Get a random value in a table we use this Formula(Randbetween).


  Bottom= Here Put The Botton Value
  Top      = Here put the Top Value

Example- we want a random table between 500 & 1000. Here is bottom value is 500 and                         top value 1000.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Bank Reconciliaton Format

                                    BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT

Bank Reconciliation statement if we say in simple word this is the one way to know that how much balance is in our Company  Account have in a particular branch or Account. In this Statement we take only those cheque which is not cleared in Bank.It Can be current month cheque last amount(In the reconciliation we take last three months not cleared cheque)

Here is the format of Bank Reconciliation statement

 Formula:     (Balance as per Book + Cheque issued but yet not Present - Cheque Deposit But yet not Cleared) = Balance as per Bank

Balance as per Book : It mean that according to you  how much balance in Company      account

 Add: Cheque issued But yet not present in Bank  

 It's mean that we issued the cheque to the supplier but they didn;t not Present it  in to the bank (Except those Cheque which is cleared in the Bank Account)

  Less: Cheque deposit But yet not cleared
 It mean that we receive cheque and deposit it but it is not cleared in the Bank. (Except those Cheque which is cleard)

Ø There is a factor which effect the reconciliation statement is reverse cheque.

Reverse Cheque--- Reverse Cheque means it will come in Debit side in the Book. Because when we issue the cheque we enter it credit side.

Here we can use the Golden Rule

Suppose We issue cheque in  june 2017 and due to some reason the cheque not present in bank in the month of june.
 So we will take it in the reconciliation of june. 
Ø  If it is cleared in July then we will remove it from the reconciliation.
Ø  If it will not cleared within 3 month then we will reverse the cheque  
We can carry forward any cheque till three months Because the Validity of any cheque is only three month after that it will not valid. Then we can make the cheque reverse.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Delele number without deleting Formula in Excel

Sometime we have date with number and Formulas. Suppose now we want to delete the number but condition is that the formula should not be delete So how it is possible. It is possible through the an Excel formula.
1.Select the Whole Data

2. Then press F5 (if you are using laptop to Fn+F5)

3. Then click on Special

4. Then Select constants

5. Then only Select the number

6. Then press OK
7. Now press the Delete button
When you will press Delete button you will find that only numeric value are delete not the formula.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

How to covnvert rows in column

There are few steps to transform column in row or Rows in column 

1. Select and copy  the row you want to transform.

2. Then select the cell where you want to paste and right Click and paste special.

3.After then click on transform.

4. The column will chage in Row

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Use of sumifs

Sumifs This foumula is a conditional formula. Like when we have some condition and we have to find out the sum with some condition. So then we will use this function.
Through the formula of sumifs we can find the sum with the condition.

For Example we have 5 Sales men and we want to find that how much product sale by each sales men. So we can easliy find.

Syntex__ =sumifs(sum range,criteria_range1, criteria1, creiteria_range2,cretria2)

Sum_range          =  Select the sum range
Creteria_range1  = is select the range First column 
Criteria 1             = Slect the name which you find
Cretria_range2    = Select the range Second column
Cretria2               =Select the product you want to find

When you will change the salesmen name (where you apply the formula) it will show you the total sale of that particular salesmen.

Monday, 13 March 2017

How to use vlook up

VLOOKUP foumula, as the formula name show its use. This formula is use when we have data in bulk and we have to find one person detail.

SYNTEX: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])

Lookup_value    = Select the cell which you find
Table_array        = Select the whole table
Col_index_num = Column number is the table have the numer of column
range_lookup     =  0 (zero is true value)

Here is an Example of vloolup

Here is the link`

calculation of professional tax

Normally professional tax in not applicable all over the country but there are some state where the government take professional tax  Kar...